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Tracer®vm Bluetooth Interface

Tracer Bluetooth Interface
safety data sheet - pdf icon

Tracer®vm Bluetooth Interface

The Tracer®vm Bluetooth Interface collects, transmits and saves data from Tracervm Base flowmeters installed in injection mold cooling circuits.

Flowmeters purchased separately are connected via cable to the Tracervm Bluetooth Interface. The Interface provides power to each flowmeter and receives voltage signals for temperature and flow.

The Bluetooth Interface wirelessly transmits flow rate and temperature to display on a mobile device. Flow condition data log files can be created via app and saved on USB flash drive documenting the mold cooling water conditions.

The Interface also communicates over Ethernet connection to PC software for network file storage and alerts. The files are easily read into database software for reference or analysis. Scientific Molders can use this data to confirm processing parameters and optimize cycle times and cooling water efficiency.

When used with PC software, a dry contact switch is available for connection to a peripheral or machine control to signal an alarm for out of limit cooling water conditions. Alerts are disabled when recording is not active.