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NEW HOURS OF OPERATION: Effective January 3rd - MON-FRI : 7:30am to 4pm

High Temperature Low Flow Indicator

HTLFI3 High flow Low Flow Indicator

The new High Temperature Low Flow Indicator is designed specifically for use in pressurized hot water cooling systems. With the High Temperature Low Flow Indicator, injection molders cooling engineering resins can see the presence of flow in restricted cooling lines, especially those with bubblers or baffles. If these critical cooling channels become blocked or flow is not present, molded part quality will suffer.

Through many months of extensive testing and experimentation, we’ve designed the new High Temperature Low Flow Indicator with the following specifications:

  • Threaded connections: 3/8”NPT or BSPP
  • Maximum Operating Temperature:  204°C (400°F)
  • Maximum Operating Pressure:  17.2bar (250psi)
  • Effective Flow Range:     0.3 – 4 LPM (0.08 – 1 GPM)
  • List Price:  $300 each
  • Parts in stock for shipment 2-3 days after receipt of order

The indicator comprises a spinning, high-visibility rotor behind a high temperature glass window inside the machined stainless steel flow body. The unit is designed to be disassembled for periodic maintenance.

This product does not measure a specific flow rate, but provides indication of the presence of flow for critical cooling circuits.

½” Flow Regulator may be added as an option where additional flow balancing and optimization is desirable. Contact the sales department for official price quotes and lead times.

Recommended for use only with extremely clean cooling water. High temperature cooling water containing minerals often leaves deposits or creates a scale coating inside cooling water lines that will prevent effective heat transfer.