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NEW HOURS OF OPERATION: Effective January 3rd - MON-FRI : 7:30am to 4pm
Introducing AceGreen Program

Introducing our new AceGreen Program…

AceTronic introduces it’s new AceGreen Program with a complete line-up of environmentally friendly programs for your business to participate in. These programs offer you the chance to adapt to new ways of lowering our impact on the environment. From the IOREX system, which is a non-invasive water treatment program eliminating the use of harmful cleaners, to our controller swap program, which saves you $25 on each controller you purchase, when you return one. See program details below…

In 2018, 80,000 metric tons of plastic were reportedly floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a figure four to sixteen times larger than previously estimated.

Introducing the new controller swap program

Planning on purchasing a new controller? We’ll give you $25 OFF the purchase of a new controller, when you return your old controller to us for disposal

AceTronic has partnered with GreenTec to provide a recycle program for the responsible disposal / reuse of all the controller components.

We all win when we recycle. Join our new controller recycling program today. Call or email our sales department to get started.

For more information about the Controller Swap Program, or to sign up reach out to our sales team. sales@acetronic.com | 1.800.803.8871

Increase ROI – Help the Environment

Improve the water quality in your closed loop system without the need for harmful chemicals, while eliminating the high costs of water treatment and harmful chemicals. When you analyze the costs associated with your current water treatment program, combined with downtime and man hours, you’ll quickly find that an investment in a long term solution may be the ideal consideration for your company to make.

In addition, you may be eligible for a government incentive that allows the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for businesses. Thereby allowing you to write off the full cost of specified clean energy equipment. To find out more, visit : Accelerated Investment Incentive program.

In addition, you may be eligible for a government incentive that allows the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for businesses. Thereby allowing you to write off the full cost of specified clean energy equipment. To find out more, visit : Accelerated Investment Incentive program.

Iorex Water Treatment Solution
  • Green-Brown Replacement Completely chemical-free, and replaces toxic chemicals
  • LEEDS certified Applicable for Green tech credits
  • Leaseable Equipment

Eliminates the need for harmful chemicals and reduces water consumption