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NEW HOURS OF OPERATION: Effective January 3rd - MON-FRI : 7:30am to 4pm
Industry Associations

We are a proud member of CAMM

AceTronic is a proud member of the Canadian Association of Moldmakers (CAMM).
As the leading national association representing Moldmakers, we strive to serve the community
with the expertise and the products to serve the moldmakers industry.


Member’s Directory

The Canadian Association of Moldmakers (CAMM) is Canada’s leading national association representing Moldmakers, Service providers and Suppliers to the global Moldmaking Industry. An 18 member Board of Directors and Advisors made up of industry leaders provides the focus and direction for the organization. New board members are elected annually by the membership to ensure the interests of both the industry and our member organizations are at the forefront of our strategic vision.

The Association was established in 1981 (then called the Windsor Association of Moldmakers or WAMM) to provide a unified voice in representing the moldmaking industry on the national and international stage. As the industry grew and interest in membership increased we became the Canadian Association of Moldmakers in 1992 and have since been joined by a vast array of global companies focused on moldmaking, designing, manufacturing, service and supply.

CAMM obtains their direction through a 18 member Board of Directors who are leaders in the industry, of which we are a proud member.