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Jupiter Series

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Flexible open integration functions, “Go Factory 2.0” digital intelligent management software

Jupiter Series

Juniper Series Clamping Unit

The four short-stroke clamping cylinders on the fixed platen ensure a fast and uniform clamping force with real-time monitoring by a pressure sensor and high repeatability.

Juniper Series Clamping Unit

Parallel lock nut operation ensures fast and accurate response. Fast, reliable and quiet.

Juniper Series Clamping Unit

High-rigidity movable platen support device and guide mechanism on the bottom and side of machine bed ensures the precision of movable platen during loading of heavy molds

Juniper Series Injection Unit

The new electric pre-molding not only improves the plasticizing speed and quality, but also improves the Energyefficiency of the whole machine

Juniper Series Injection Unit

The plasticized parts have been comprehensively upgraded, and the plasticizing performance has been greatly improved. The wear resistance of the plasticized parts has doubled, and the service life has been extended.